Athens: Graffiti and flyposting in solidarity with prisoners of anarchist war worldwide

On Friday evening the 29th of November 2013, a group of anarchist comrades carried out an intervention in downtown Athens, in solidarity with prisoners of anarchist war worldwide.

 Slogans were sprayed on walls, fliers and leaflets were thrown concerning recent cases, and stickers about comrades prosecuted for acts that were claimed in the context of the “Phoenix Project” got wheat-pasted in the city centre.

 Small actions like this aim to declare solidarity among anarchist rebels in the whole wide world on the one hand, and contribute to the diffusion of offensive anarchist struggle on the other, always supporting comrades who have been captured by the enemy. Besides, no action is too small when our gestures are able to warm, even for a while, our captive brothers and sisters in the prison cells.

 Solidarity between rebels and anarchists of praxis is neither meaningless slogans at university auditoriums, nor few minutes of reading on the internet or leafing through street-zines. Solidarity is an integral part of insurrectional struggle, of our assault against the existent, its relationships, morality and repressive practices. Everyone, having small or great strength, can act with the means they choose each time.

 We will never keep an equal distance. We will always fight against authority and its subordinates, standing forever next to our captive brothers and sisters and those who arm their negations and go with dignity on the offensive.

 Fire to the prisons!

Death to Power!

For international insurrectional solidarity!

Anarchists for the Dispersion of Chaos

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