Athens: Intervention in solidarity with anarchist prisoners of war and in memory of comrade Sebastián Oversluij Seguel

“Athens – Lavrio, a 6 slogans way”

At daybreak of Sunday 29-12-2013 a few individualities hit the streets and decided to act against the apathy imposed by society.

The occasion was the murder of our 26 year old comrade Sebastián Oversluij Seguel, who was killed in an attempted bank robbery on 12/11/2013 in Santiago, Chile.

During this intervention, we wrote slogans on walls, in Athens, Keratea and Lavrio, photos of which we send in order to devote them initially, as a tribute, to our unjustly murdered comrade Sebastián, whose death we will make sure not to be in vain and in no way will we let this state assassination be forgotten.

We do not forget, we do not forgive. The slaves of the state will pay for the loss of all of our comrades around the world.
We also dedicate our action to all our anarchist brothers and sisters out there, who with their every step push anarchy miles forward, terrorizing our enemies.

And of course we could not forget our imprisoned brothers, Christos Tsakalos and the other members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Spyros Mandilas, Andreas Tsavdaridis, Theophilos Mavropoulos and all Anarchists prisoners internationally, at whom we shout that the war for Anarchy does not end with the imprisonment of any comrade and το know that with our every breath we send our message to the loyal citizens and the submissive this world saying:

Open your graves, you moribunds, because this will be your final residence, as for us, we will live forever, because we live through Freedom and Freedom is immortal.

For Freedom, For Anarchy
Until the destruction of every regime

Anarchist wolves of the city

Translated by Inter Arma

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