The Phoenix Project
The Phoenix Project which has taken shape in the recent months, even though it was born in Greece, as an open call it didn’t remain local. It was an experiment of rebirth and of coordination between informal groups of anarchist direct action with a common purpose – that is no other than the very diffusion of the attack, under a common name.
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On 11.07/2013 after the 4th act of the project, the anarchists Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis are arrested in Thessaloniki, accused for being the perpetrators of the 4 attacks (the accusations included at first the 4 attacks which means they were accused of the attack which took place in Jakarta, Indonesia (!), a claim whose ridiculousness was understood later and it was finally removed from the case file). For the same attacks the ten imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are also blamed, as instigators. All of the comrades are detained.
The anarchist Andreas Tsavdaridis claimed responsibility for the parcel bomb sent to the previous commander of the counter-terrorism unit, saying amongst other things «I assume responsibility for sending an incendiary parcel to the former commander of the anti-terrorist force, Dimitris Chorianopoulos, as FAI-IRF cell under the name Commando Mauricio Morales. I remain Unrepentant for my choice. A strike against the security complex is a direct attack on the establishment’s core; a direct attack on the state institutions, which operate independently from the policy formulation of respective governments, and have the perpetuation of Domination over my life as their mission.
I believe that Power is an inspiration for and immediate corollary from the values of society. Power is an idea. It seems like something inaccessible, like a god that overwhelms the thoughts, dreams and feelings of its believers; a modern social religion into which the mass hastens to be inducted. The dominators don’t impose themselves by coups d’état, but through their citizens’ approval. All of the problems of social pathology are simply the dark side of a world that wants to live without responsibilities.»
Spyros Mandylas, who is arrested in the Anarchist Squat Nadir, denies any participation in this case, pointing out the intense tracking he has suffered for a long time from the cops, as well as his presence in the Koridallos prison, during a visit to Christos Tsakalos, the date the parcel was sent. It is important to mention that the comrade is detained despite his undoubtable presence at Koridallos, and the persecutory and repressive mechanisms are witnesses themselves (due to the surveillance and due to the prison’s documents themselves).
Obviously, we are not going to play their game and impute the label of the guilty or the innocent to the one or another, we just think that it is important to highlight the way the comrade was detained. We have seen the reason of this again and again, and it is still true because, till now, we have been unable to throw it back in their faces and deactivate it. The message that whoever supports or has solidarity with, and has contacts with impenitent anarchist guerillas, are going to be persecuted. Desperately wanting to preserve the wall of isolation around the prisoners, they exemplary punish anyone who tries to demolish it. The diffusion of dangerous ideas for the authoritarian system, attitudes, thoughts and points of view has turned into a felony itself.
We on our part do not accept it. We break the silence, the banisters, the walls that keep us away from our comrades and yell to our enemies that: Here we are all guilty and we will stand next to our comrades until the end.