On 6 September 2016, the Digos (Italian anti-terrorist police) carry out Operation Scripta Manent, a repressive operation focusing on the Informal Anarchist Federation. They raid the houses of 32 comrades in Italy and make 5 arrests. The arrested are Anna Beniamino, Marco Biseti, Emiliano Danilo Cremonese, Alessandro Mercogliano and Valentina Speziale.
Also a new prosecution was formed for Alfredo Cospito & Nikola Gai, already in custody, who have taken responsibility as FAI/IRF Olga Cell.
The Italian state accuses the comrades of some attacks, in the period 2005-2012, carried out by 4 cells of the Italian Informal Anarchist Federation (F.A.I.):
- FAI/Narodnaya Volya (People's Will),
- FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Insurgency,
- FAI/Collaboration of Fire and Artifacts (Occasionally Spectacular)
- FAI/IRF Olga Cell.
On 2 June the investigations of 7 other anarchist comrades who are being prosecuted for "association with the aim of overthrowing the regime" (article 270) and for "incitement to commit a crime" (article 414) were closed. This prosecution concerns the counter-information media Croce Nera Anarchica (Anarchist Black Cross), RadioAzione and Anarhija.info. Also 2 of them are being prosecuted for the bomb attack against the Civitavecchia court (12/1/2016) where in addition to the bomb a substation of Enel (production and distribution of electricity and gas) was hit by the F.A.I / F.R.I. /Fireworks committee for an extraordinary year.
These prosecutions are in the form of a notice, so the comrades remain free.
24.05.2005 Bombing of the police headquarters of San Salvario / Borgo Po in Via Saluzzo 26, by the FAI / Narodnaya Volya (People's Will).
04.07.2006 Bombing of Beppe Fossati, director of the newspaper "Torino Cronaca", by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Mutiny.
06.07.2006 Bombing of the Coema Edilita company (renovation company at the Immigration Detention Centre, by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Rebellion,
07.07.2006 Bombing of the Mayor of Turin, Sergio Chiamparino, by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Mutiny
05.03.2007 Three bombs in the Crocetta district of Turin, by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Mutiny.
02.06.2006 Two bombs at the Carabinieri Training School, by the FAI/Anonymous Chaotic Mutiny.
03.11.2005 Placement of a bomb against the barracks of the R.I.S. (Italian scientific department), by the FAI/Fire and Artifacts Collaboration (Occasionally Spectacular)
24.05.2005 Bombing of Daniele Giovanardi, director of the Modena Immigration Detention Centre (C.P.T.), by FAI / Narodnaya Volya (People's Will).
03.11.2005 Bombing of the Mayor of Bologna, Sergio Cofferati, by the FAI/Cooperation of Fire and Artifacts (Occasionally Spectacular)
07.05.2012 Shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, CEO of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, by FAI/IRF Olga Cell. The responsibility for FAI/IRF Olga Cell has been taken over by comrades Alfredo Cospito & Nikola Gai.
26.05.2005 Bombing of the Regional Governor-Bishop of the city of Lecce, Giorgio Manari, by FAI / Narodnaya Volya (People's Will).
Anarchist Hangout Nadir
In the B dorm,
(Straight over AHEPA)